all postcodes in IP5 / IPSWICH

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP5 2AD 12 0 52.063543 1.246782
IP5 2AE 29 0 52.061323 1.247058
IP5 2BB 26 0 52.062593 1.254155
IP5 2BJ 12 0 52.063162 1.256341
IP5 2BL 13 0 52.06228 1.257036
IP5 2DH 5 0 52.059992 1.260079
IP5 2DJ 25 0 52.060603 1.26008
IP5 2DL 5 0 52.065607 1.24858
IP5 2DN 20 0 52.058929 1.237984
IP5 2DB 43 0 52.05827 1.247858
IP5 2DP 8 0 52.058978 1.237185
IP5 2DQ 37 0 52.058955 1.235724
IP5 2DR 44 0 52.060287 1.259167
IP5 2DS 68 0 52.058083 1.23963
IP5 2DT 23 0 52.058434 1.240268
IP5 2DU 43 0 52.058139 1.237256
IP5 2DW 13 0 52.058067 1.235631
IP5 2DX 17 0 52.060439 1.256595
IP5 2DY 34 0 52.061233 1.25782
IP5 2DZ 19 0 52.060588 1.257379